Iron intake is important in producing red blood cells, found in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen you breath through the blood for energy and to tissue. Myoglobin hold and stores oxygen for muscles during exercise. You lose iron through dying skin cells, urine, sweat, and menstruating. Iron deficiency can cause dizziness , sporadic body temperature, low energy, and lethargy. Women who are on their period or pregnant must be careful to make sure Iron levels are within the recommended threshold. Also, endurance athletes must pay special attention to Iron deficiency and especially if they are vegetarians. Iron is abundant in animal protein, more so in dark meat than light. There are plenty of vegetable sources for Iron for those who do not eat meat, but they can be inhibited or helped in their absorption rate. Vitamin C is a great inhibitor for the absorption rate of Iron. So a glass of O.J. with grains and cereals at breakfast, a broccoli and tofu stir-fry, or beans with a tomato based sauce are great ways to intake Iron on a vegetarian diet. Some inhibitors are tea, coffee, cocoa, soy, egg, milk, and others. These should typically be consumed between meals to avoid inhibiting Iron intake. Some foods are great sources because they have significant amounts of Iron and Vitamin C; asparagus, broccoli, cantaloupe, kiwi, green and red peppers, and more. It is not necessary to take an Iron supplement, even if vegetarian, if one eats a variety of foods and does not strictly control energy intake. If an Iron supplement is taken, do not take at the same time as a calcium supplement as the two can inhibit one another.
This is my blog to make aware information I discover about health and fitness throughout my studies. I also post writings on general wellness and Buddhist philosophy. I am very passionate about what I put into my body and how I treat it. I believe the effort you put into maintaining your health is directly correlated to the amount of happiness you experience on a daily basis. Mind, body, and spirit need equal maintenance. Be present, be compassionate, be aware.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Basics on How Energy Works in Your Body
Carbohydrates (the best source of energy) can be stored in
skeletal muscle and the liver in a starchlike substance called glycogen.
Glycogen can become depleted after about 60 minutes of intense physical
activity. Fatigue occurs about the same time that glycogen stores become low,
for basic reasons; Active muscle that have now been depleted of their
carbohydrate stores are forced to now rely on fat for fuel. Fat is not able to
be “burned” as fast and efficiently as carbohydrates, so your body runs out of
fuel. Also, the liver is depleted of its glycogen stores and is no longer able
to store blood sugar, therefor it must struggle to maintain blood sugar levels
by converting protein (from amino acids) sources to blood sugar. This process
is slow and can not keep up with the pace at which muscle takes up sugar in the
body. This can cause low blood sugar and result in lightheadedness and fatigue.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Some New Tips
- If you are going to run don’t overdo it. Long distance running will start to tear down muscle. If you want to maintain muscle and burn fat, then do high intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.). Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then slowly jog or walk for 30-60 secs. Repeat this for about 30 minutes. You can increase the time you run and decrease the time you rest as you get better. Typically it is a good idea to keep both within 30-60 seconds at a time. This will boost your metabolism for a long time after you run, and will burn more fat overall than just running a steady pace for an hour or more. You will still get great cardio as with regular running, but you will active your muscles and they will not adapt as easily to the repetitive movement of running at a steady pace. H.I.I.T. is like weight lifting for your heart, you exert a force on your cardio system, then allow it to recover. Same as when you are lifting weights.
- Don’t lift too slowly. When you are lifting weights your movement should be explosive. Lift the weights very fast and lower them slowly. This will activate more fast twitch muscles on the way up, and give you more action on the way down. This will help lead to more muscle growth, and get more out of your workouts.’
- Don’t pace yourself. Some studies have shown that those who exerts 100% in the beginning of their workout and then slow down later have better results and gains than those who pace themselves at 75-85% the entire workout. So go for it all in the beginning, and do your best to finish the tail end of your workout.
-Recover. Two things after a workout, stretch and a recovery drink. Even if you are not trying to gain muscle you still need to replace your energy stores. Your body will begin to tear down lean muscle mass, which everyone needs, if you do not give it what it needs after a workout. You also must stretch, flexibility is an important element of fitness. You need to have long, strong muscles or you will develop increased soreness, less mobility, cramps, and back pain. So recover and stretch.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Why Atkins Diet Fails !!
First off their are lawsuits against it at this moment for the damage it has done to people. Atkins himself was very overweight when died and died from cardiovascular issues. Carbs are our bodies main source of energy when we function, and a high protein diet often yields high saturated fats, because saturated fats (bad) are found in most animal meats.
Low carb diets are not a panacea as is typically claimed but the extreme aspects of the Atkins diet are even more problematic. The diet may yield modest weight loss in the short term but long term studies show negative consequences.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has been working to counter the pro-Atkins media and slow the hype about the Atkins diet.
Side Effects of Atkins Diet
If have kidney issues, high protein diets can accentuate problems due to excess nitrogen production
Long term- Increased urinary calcium loss can weaken bones, leading to increased risk for fractures and osteoporosis.
If associated with high saturated fat, can increase LDL levels.
Low carb diets are not a panacea as is typically claimed but the extreme aspects of the Atkins diet are even more problematic. The diet may yield modest weight loss in the short term but long term studies show negative consequences.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has been working to counter the pro-Atkins media and slow the hype about the Atkins diet.
Side Effects of Atkins Diet
If have kidney issues, high protein diets can accentuate problems due to excess nitrogen production
Long term- Increased urinary calcium loss can weaken bones, leading to increased risk for fractures and osteoporosis.
If associated with high saturated fat, can increase LDL levels.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Raft
I think I finally understand the idea of non-dualism and how a bodhisattva can understand it. There was a line in the Diamond Sutra that discusses how a bodhisattva (someone on the path to becoming a Buddha) has no perception, but also has the realization of no nonperception, because they see the dharmas (things) of everyday like any other human, but they know they have no ultimate reality. This was very revealing and profound. It helped me to understand how a bodhisattva could contain this ultimate wisdom and still exist as a human being. I believe I also understand the idea of non-dualism now as not saying there is one thing or isn't another, because you automatically imply an "is" if you say "isn't" and an "isn't" if you say "is". Really we need to understand that everything is everything, and we don't need to create a dualism because it creates a self, ego, or conflict within the natural existence and flow of absolute "reality". Why must we label everything? Words are useful as upaya (skillful-means), but language can be a crutch to the truth when we do not know when to let go of them. It is like the Mahayana analogy of the raft. On one bank is Samsara (the cycle of life) and on the other is Nirvana (eternal, absolute wisdom and compassion), the raft is the upaya (language in this case) or Dharma (teachings) of the Buddha. We use the raft to cross to Nirvana from Samsara, but we do not carry the raft with us once we have crossed, or it then becomes a hindrance. (Side note: This story itself is upaya, as there is no dualism of Samsara and Nirvana, they are the same thing, just perceived differently.) So use the "raft" for what it is truly meant for, but do not attach yourself to it or you will never be truly joyous. A quote from Buddhist Wisdom as translated by Edward Conze says, "Once a cure has been effected, it must be abandoned together with an illness, because its further use would only make one ill again. Just so when this medicine, called 'emptiness', has brought about a cure for the belief in existence. Attachment to emptiness is a disease as much as attachment to existence. Those who continue to use this medicine of 'emptiness' after they have gained possession of full wisdom, only make themselves ill again."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Updated Supplement Schedule
When waking Up
Just eat lean protein and complex carbs within 30 minutes.
Before workout
- Whey or Soy Protein, you will need amino acids for your exercise. Some complex carbs a few minutes before are a good idea too.
- Creatine, with a sugar drink, not citrus or it turns into useless creatinine. This provides you with energy for your workout, and water to your muscles. Grape juice is one of the best to take it with. 45-60 minutes before workout
After Workout
- Creatine, (For muscle repair and gains, limits muscle damage, is absorbed best after workouts when insulin levels are high). Take with a non-acidic, sugary drink. (Acidic drinks turn it into useless creatinine, grape juice is one of the best to take it with)
- Dextrose, This contains no fructose. It is the best sugar to create an insulin spike, with a high glycemic index. Other sugars do not digest as fast and restore liver glycogen stores. You need to restore glycogen stores in your muscles to begin the recovery process and utilize other nutrients coming in efficiently.
Add extra water to your protein shake for all the extra stuff you have added. This will assist with cell hydration. You can also use almond or coconut milk.
Before Bed
- Casein Protein and glutamine, To help with muscle repair. Muscle repair happens most during NREM 4 deep sleep, when your body is experiencing a low level of these elements and needs them to make gains and prevent muscle loss. You will be without nutrition for 6-8 hours, it is important to have these in your system and available. Casein digests around twice as slow as whey so it can last longer through the night. (Warning: There are some studies that suggests Caesin is linked to cancer. I personally only use soy protein and avoid dairy. Do your research and decide for yourself) Eat or add peanut butter (or another fat) to your protein to slow absorption of the protein through the night if you substitute Whey.
- L-Arganine, Helps your body to raise your level of growth hormones naturally. It is an amino acid. Take a few minutes before your pre-sleep drink.
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Leading Cause of Death is Capatilism
The social issue of our healthcare system being sick itself is one that has had a lot of attention in the recent years. America is supposed to be the world’s superpower and a leader in freedom, ideas, knowledge, technology, and more, yet we rank 37th in the world in an area vital to the success of human life. By traveling to other countries and comparing their healthcare systems, the viewer is able to get a reference to our own system, to really see how corrupt it is because it is built not on a foundation of compassion and concern for the nation, but on a solid foundation of capitalism. The medical industry in America is nothing but another corporate structure, an entity built to reward its stockholders and increase the wealth of its benefactors. I am lucky enough to have free health care because I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy, if I weren’t then I would be another one of the 47+ million people who do not have the basic necessity of health care. I personally like reviewing the research on Switzerland. This is important since they were following the same kind of system as the U.S. originally, and then made the switch to be more of a socialist system. This proves to America that we can change our system and it is not destined for failure. We need to focus on caring and healing the sick, not profiting from pharmaceuticals or costly and unnecessary scans and tests. We need to incorporate a system of preventative healthcare rather than a tertiary system. American doctors typically focus on medicating and fixing the issue after it happens, but we don't do nearly enough to educate on the importance of daily maintenance and prevention. Insurance companies need to cease to be their own private entity. Insurance companies give bonuses when their contractors can deny healthcare, because it saves them money. This is a known fact, not an opinion I have. So the best thing you can do as an insurance agent is to find a way to not help the customer. America’s healthcare system is sick, and it is keeping the people sick. Capitalism is the leading cause of death in America.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Why Buddha is a leader in the true sense of the word.
The Buddha’s teachings are given from experience and genuine compassion for life. He does not read from a book or his own notes, he is the book and the notes. He provides information that he has not read or heard from others but from his own journey and his own experiences. He would not be seen as a leader in the sense of the word that most people would interpret it. When people think of a leader names such as the President of the United States, General, Football coach, or boss typically come to mind. These are positions held by well-established and respected people who are giving out orders and/or directions to others and expecting them to follow. The Buddha does not tell anyone to do what he believes is right, he simply informs them of the things he himself has discovered. When he addresses the five monks in the Dhammacakkappavatana Sutta he does not tell them they are wrong or make them feel inferior. He speaks to them and asks them to think about the things they believe in at that moment. He offers them the idea of the four noble truths and walks through them while asking them if they agree. He sets the wheel in motion for them to begin to understand, he doesn’t try to force them to learn something because he says it is so. He allows them to take ahold of the wheel and steer while he shines the light ahead. This allows the monks to comprehend the truth for themselves and “rejoice at the words of The Blessed One”. With this method the Buddha is able to help monks, seekers, or bodhisattvas to discover their own truth and not simply just believe in his truth. Typically leaders believe they know the one universal “right” way or best way, and any other options are not as efficient or just plain wrong. They attempt to make you believe they know best. The Buddha has his own truth, and he simply wants to shine light in areas for others to search for theirs. This is the selfless and compassionate way that the Buddha offers his knowledge. In the next discourse of the Buddha, the Anatta-lakkhana Sutta, the Buddha walks the monks through their own thoughts rather than trying to implant ones he believe to be correct. He asks them to question what they believe to explain what they are actually searching for. Instead of trying to answer their questions of what and where the atman is, or tell them what he may believe is the answer, he asks them to consider where they believe it could be. By doing this, the Buddha is able to lead (in the true sense of the word) the monks on a journey within their own thoughts. He allows them to systematically come to disprove and believe that the atman is not anywhere they suppose it could possibly be. By doing this, the Buddha allows the monks to realize the truth on their own accord. He allows them to teach themselves something different than what they believed before, which was not working for them. This in turn allows them to truly come to believe, what they are discovering, in their own minds. They are not relying on the word of another, but coming to understand and believe their own truth. This is what makes Buddha a leader, the ability to allow others to discover reality for them selves so they can truly have a chance to discover the middle path. He does not throw orders at them, nor answer their questions directly, removing any self-thought from the process of learning and discovery. In this manner he is able to lead them to the beginning of the path of the middle way, while helping them develop their own truth and reality to hopefully find enlightenment.
If You Truly Want To Be "Happy".....
You typically hear of Buddhists seeking NIrvana, which most interpret as a sense of peace. This is true but slightly misunderstood. Nirvana is an escape from Samsara (the cycle of life), but it is also the concept of extinguishing emptiness associated with the five skandhas (form>feeling>perception>mental formations>consciousness). A concept of removing the blindfold so that you can see the truth. The first four skandhas lead to the 5th, a consciousness. Consciousness leads to the three poisons of greed, aggression, and delusion. This is what creates suffering, or duhka, which is led by thirst (tahna). When you meditate you release yourself from the five skandhas, you remove this concept of "self" or seperation from everything else. At some point we develop a sense of self-concept and everything else is "other". This leads us in a search for atman, or "self". We develop the belief in a deity or the idea of a "soul", something that is permanent. We lose the reality that everything is interdependent as we strive for the concept of independence. There is no "self", it is merely a construct within our minds, which we see as separate from the flow of everything else. We search for a soul to find this concept of "self" that we develop. Your mind is merely changing physical matter full of neurons that perpetuate concepts from the five skandhas. It is not who you are, not your soul. Your body is not permanent, therefor it cannot be your soul or "self", as a soul should be permanent. Your physical body has 10 times as many bacteria in relation to cells. That means that you physically weigh 10% of what you see on a scale, the other 90% is bacteria, bacteria can not be "self", they can not be your "soul" or atman. If you wish to believe that the cells you do have are you, or the existence of "self", then know this; every cell on your body is completely replaced by new ones anywhere from a couple weeks for your skin to less than 16 years for your gut. Therefore your physical matter, or cells, are not permanent. There is no soul or "self" in your cells. Everything is in constant motion, constant change. When one reaches a state of meditation they get a glimpse of enlightenment, a glimpse of a sense of joy. They lose the concept of self, realize the concept of emptiness, remove the bindings of duhka and tahna, remove the concepts of greed, delusion, and hate. They truly become, and live within this world in a state of peace and just a general sense of "being". They simply "be", they stop becoming, they stop doing. They realize even that samsara and Nirvana are the same, there is only one reality and endless perceptions of that reality. Only the ones who are able to truly remove the blindfold and see have a chance at finding real joy. My hope is that I eventually, in one of my many cycles of life, am able to achieve this enlightenment and be released from this suffering caused by my concept of self and search for atman. Emptiness is nothing and nothing is emptiness. Nirvana is samsara and samsara is Nirvana. There is no existence of dualism, as everything is everything. This is only a contradiction in the logic created by the constructs of suffering beings.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Buddha Explains Fitness and Sex
I asked my Buddhist teacher what the viewpoint is by Buddhism on a focus on physical health an also intimate relationships. I have been having conflict on these issues with the views of the Buddha and concerned if I was at least stumbling down the right path. This is the amazing (delivered in a very Buddhist fashion of open ended thought) answer she gave me on the two issues. Made me feel a bit better.
In view of Buddhism's nondualism, there is also no mind/body dualism. Hence they have a sound mind mind/sound body viewpoint. I notice at the temple that the monks and nuns are well-groomed and very neat--with few exceptions I have always seen them dressed in immaculate, pressed robes. They also are encouraged to be physically active (with exercises ranging from taiji to basketball). The historical Buddha realized that the self-denial of asceticism compromised his understanding of reality--the Middle Way!
As for relationships, the original plan seems to be a world of monks and nuns on the express lane to enlightenment. But gradually a recognition of lay practice evolved. Weddings are celebrated. So intimate relationships can have a very important role in grounding people and providing support. This means avoiding the 3 poisons of greed, anger and delusion as well as obsessive attachment. I believe this approach actually makes for the best possible relationship.
My understanding is that no activity is "forbidden"--all that matters is the motivation (wisdom and compassion).
I received this quote from a Thai Buddhist I met at a conference in Asia:
What money can buy:
a bed, but not sleep;
a computer, but not brains;
food, but not appetite;
finery, but not beauty;
a house, but not a home;
medicine, but not health;
luxuries, but not culture;
amusement, but not happiness;
sex, but not love.
In view of Buddhism's nondualism, there is also no mind/body dualism. Hence they have a sound mind mind/sound body viewpoint. I notice at the temple that the monks and nuns are well-groomed and very neat--with few exceptions I have always seen them dressed in immaculate, pressed robes. They also are encouraged to be physically active (with exercises ranging from taiji to basketball). The historical Buddha realized that the self-denial of asceticism compromised his understanding of reality--the Middle Way!
As for relationships, the original plan seems to be a world of monks and nuns on the express lane to enlightenment. But gradually a recognition of lay practice evolved. Weddings are celebrated. So intimate relationships can have a very important role in grounding people and providing support. This means avoiding the 3 poisons of greed, anger and delusion as well as obsessive attachment. I believe this approach actually makes for the best possible relationship.
My understanding is that no activity is "forbidden"--all that matters is the motivation (wisdom and compassion).
I received this quote from a Thai Buddhist I met at a conference in Asia:
What money can buy:
a bed, but not sleep;
a computer, but not brains;
food, but not appetite;
finery, but not beauty;
a house, but not a home;
medicine, but not health;
luxuries, but not culture;
amusement, but not happiness;
sex, but not love.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Marijuana and Prostitutes
I'm sick of the debate over marijuana being legalized. I don't care if it is, I don't smoke it nor care to condone it. But the bottom line is that it is unconstitutional for it to be illegal. You can not create a law banning something because it is immoral. We all know marijuana is illegal because it is considered a drug and immoral, yet alcohol is a drug and is legal? The supreme courts ruled many years ago that our civil liberties (including our Bill of Rights in its entirety) are priority, except in matters of Public Safety or National security. So now they can twist it around to make laws where they feel like it. It is illegal to smoke pot because they say it is a "public safety concern". Yet you can freely smoke cigarettes, which cause you drastic physical disability and/or death. However, they are legal because many of our founding fathers were tobacco farmers. Alcohol is an even better example. It is an intoxicating and mind altering drug, yet it is legal. It is a fact that alcohol is much more toxic for your body than marijuana, and it carries numerous other issues along with it's use that could very much be considered public safety concerns; drunk driving, rape, alcohol poisoning, increased aggression, crime, etc. Marijuana makes you tired, hungry, and usually lazy. Yet it is the public safety concern, and not alcohol? Why is prostitution illegal? Because it is a sin and immoral. But it is said to be illegal because it is a "public safety concern". So having as much sex as you want for free or for jewelry and dinner is fine, but don't accept cash. If you accept cash then it becomes a public safety concern. It is a civil liberty to do what you want with your body, if you want to be a dirty hooker then go for it. There are tons of guys and girls who do it legally for free, what about porn stars? They are just as dirty as hookers, but they legally get paid to have sex with people. How is being payed for screwing on camera legal, but screwing in a hotel for money not? It is unconstitutional, no matter if you agree with it or not. I don't care if prostitution or marijuana are legal, that is not the point. The point is if we say we are going to continue to follow the supreme law of the land, then we can't pick and choose when to do so. If you want marijuana to be illegal because it is a "public safety concern" then fine, but so should be cigarettes and alcohol. If you want prostitution to be illegal because it is a "public safety concern", then fine but so should be sex with multiple partners and porn. But society wants to get drunk and smoke cigarettes and have orgies, so they will remain legal.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Photo Art
Please check out my first photo projects if you have a chance. I would like any constructive feedback to help me out. Thanks
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Juicing Your Worries Away.
So I bought a juicer. I invested around $300. I decided if I was going to get one then I wanted to get a good one to get the best results possible. I am not going on a "Juice Diet", as this is a stupid idea for most people. That is because they will not research before they do it and realize that you lose fiber doing this and your bowel movements will virtually be non-existent. They will also probably not make up for the loss of protein. I realize there are downfalls to juicing, but guess what critics, I am going to address those. #1. You lose all fiber when juicing. True, but you have a few options to fix this. You can put some of the pulp back into the juice to maintain the fiber. You can also continue to eat veggies like a normal human being and get your fiber that way. You could also add flaxseed to your juice. Whatever you choose, there are many ways to correct this problem. The pulp is also great for baking. You can use carrot pulp to make amazing carrot cake, or zucchini pulp for zucchini bread, etc. You can also mix the pulp into your pet's food to give them a great boost. #2. You waste a lot of the fruits/vegetables in the juicing process. True and false. Juicing fruits can be quite a waste. When you juice fruits you tend to lose the best nutrients in the pulp. That it why you should only juice fruits if you really want some clean, fresh fruit juice, but not to try and boost your intake of nutrients. With vegetables you actually break the cell walls to release all of the micro-nutrients and everything else. Like I said before you may lose the fiber, but it can be put back into the juice if you are afraid you are getting too little. #3. It is way too expensive for how much juice yield you get to vegetables used. False. If you buy veggies that are in season in bulk it is not bad. It also depends on how much you drink. If you drink one or two a day to increase your intake of veggies it is not too bad. If you plan on juicing nearly all your veggies (Or fruits if you didn't pay attention earlier) to get all your nutrients, then yes. Just buy whatever is in season for cheap in bulk, use it as the base of the juice and then add a couple different ingredients to it to change it up. Or better yet, start your own garden if that is an option. #4. Juicers are too expensive. Not necessarily true. You can get a juicer for as little as $50. Just check out the Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor on Amazon. It will get the job done, just not as efficiently as a better juicer. But if you just want to make one glass a day or every other day it will work fine. I however chose a masticating juicer, which can cost a bit more. I chose this one because I plan on juicing a lot of leafy vegetables, and it gets the best yield. I narrowed it down to two, but ultimately purchased the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer.
Don't expect to get a juicer and start juicing everything under the sun to boost your health or lose weight. You are not going to get superhuman benefits from it, however, there are a couple main benefits. First of all, you can greatly increase your vegetable intake very easily if you do not get enough veggies or just want to get more. Also, you DO actually get a little better benefits per vegetable. This is because they are raw, and when you cook veggies they lose up to half of their nutritional value. Granted you can just eat veggies raw, but i don't think anyone gets they daily value of veggies without cooking some, or most of them. It also allows you to get a wide variety of different veggies into your diet, and therefor a wide spectrum of different nutrients and vitamins. Just toss a turnip green and some rhubarb into your carrot juice, you won't even know it is there. Have a meal with cooked squash and zucchini to enjoy, and a small 6 oz glass of carrot, wheatgrass, cucumber, and kale juice. Add a few drops of lemon or lime to help with the bitterness of greens. Overall it is a great investment, just do your research to get the juicer that will work best for what you mostly plan on juicing, and at what frequency of use it will probably get. There are a ton of recipes online for some awesome tasting juices. Have fun and experiment!!
Don't expect to get a juicer and start juicing everything under the sun to boost your health or lose weight. You are not going to get superhuman benefits from it, however, there are a couple main benefits. First of all, you can greatly increase your vegetable intake very easily if you do not get enough veggies or just want to get more. Also, you DO actually get a little better benefits per vegetable. This is because they are raw, and when you cook veggies they lose up to half of their nutritional value. Granted you can just eat veggies raw, but i don't think anyone gets they daily value of veggies without cooking some, or most of them. It also allows you to get a wide variety of different veggies into your diet, and therefor a wide spectrum of different nutrients and vitamins. Just toss a turnip green and some rhubarb into your carrot juice, you won't even know it is there. Have a meal with cooked squash and zucchini to enjoy, and a small 6 oz glass of carrot, wheatgrass, cucumber, and kale juice. Add a few drops of lemon or lime to help with the bitterness of greens. Overall it is a great investment, just do your research to get the juicer that will work best for what you mostly plan on juicing, and at what frequency of use it will probably get. There are a ton of recipes online for some awesome tasting juices. Have fun and experiment!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
When to Supplement
Supplementation (Updated)
When waking Up
- Glutamine, your body is without sufficient nutrition after 6-8 hours. You also need protein, try a couple eggs, or a protein shake.
Before workout
- Creatine, with a sugar drink, not citrus or it turns into useless creatinine. This provides you with energy for your workout, and water to your muscles. Grape juice is one of the best to take it with. Creatine Ethyl Ester is better than Monohydrate because it won't bloat you or add water weight. Take 45-60 minutes before workout
After Workout
- Whey protein (To have available immediately to re-build muscles), Glutamine (To help with muscle repair and soreness, keep body from breaking down muscle), Spirulina (For all amino acids to make protein chains efficiently)
- Creatine, (For muscle repair and gains, limits muscle damage, is absorbed best after workouts when insulin levels are high). Take with a non-acidic, sugary drink. (Acidic drinks turn it into useless creatinine, grape juice is one of the best to take it with)
Add extra water to your protein shake for all the extra stuff you have added. This will assist with cell hydration.
Before Bed
- Whey and glutamine, To help with muscle repair. Muscle repair happens most during REM 4 deep sleep, when your body is experiencing a low level of these elements and needs them to make gains and prevent muscle loss. You will be without nutrition for 6-8 hours, it is important to have these in your system and available.
- L-Arganine, I take L-Arganine before bed to increase my growth hormones while I sleep. This naturally depletes as you get older, and makes it harder for you to recover. It is a natural amino acid.
When waking Up
- Glutamine, your body is without sufficient nutrition after 6-8 hours. You also need protein, try a couple eggs, or a protein shake.
Before workout
- Creatine, with a sugar drink, not citrus or it turns into useless creatinine. This provides you with energy for your workout, and water to your muscles. Grape juice is one of the best to take it with. Creatine Ethyl Ester is better than Monohydrate because it won't bloat you or add water weight. Take 45-60 minutes before workout
After Workout
- Whey protein (To have available immediately to re-build muscles), Glutamine (To help with muscle repair and soreness, keep body from breaking down muscle), Spirulina (For all amino acids to make protein chains efficiently)
- Creatine, (For muscle repair and gains, limits muscle damage, is absorbed best after workouts when insulin levels are high). Take with a non-acidic, sugary drink. (Acidic drinks turn it into useless creatinine, grape juice is one of the best to take it with)
Add extra water to your protein shake for all the extra stuff you have added. This will assist with cell hydration.
Before Bed
- Whey and glutamine, To help with muscle repair. Muscle repair happens most during REM 4 deep sleep, when your body is experiencing a low level of these elements and needs them to make gains and prevent muscle loss. You will be without nutrition for 6-8 hours, it is important to have these in your system and available.
- L-Arganine, I take L-Arganine before bed to increase my growth hormones while I sleep. This naturally depletes as you get older, and makes it harder for you to recover. It is a natural amino acid.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
All Natural Disaster, no Artificial Flavoring !!
There are very intelligent scientists in labs that are creating smells, textures, and tastes in order to make food the most appealing they can to consumers. These scientists are referred to as "flavorists" within their respective circles. They mix volatile chemicals together to create a smell that is similar if not exactly like that of a naturally produced food or a grilled hamburger. They use ingredients like titanium dioxide to create flavors and smells similar to sweets, which is a chemical used to produce make-up. These "flavorists" work in factories like the large one in Daytona, they are part of the I.F.F., or International Flavors and Fragrances. The same place that was originally created to produce smells for perfumes, deodorant, and cleaning chemicals. They use these same chemicals to create food smells, and "Natural" and "Artificial" food flavorings. (Two words that mean little difference as you will discover) The Daytona establishment currently produces 6 of the top 10 fragrances in the U.S. These chemicals are universal from cleaning chemicals to food flavoring, since the F.A.A. does not require flavor companies to disclose their ingredients. They merely need to be considered as G.R.A.S., or Generally Regarded as Safe. What in the hell does that mean, how do you even rate that? "Natural Almond Flavoring" falls under this category. It must be safe since it contains hydrogen cyanide, a deadly poison. Look on your ingredients list in things like Ocean Spray juices or Dannon's Yogurt for Carminic Acid or Carmine. It is a "Natural" food coloring made from crushed bugs called Dactlyopius, and their larvae. They make it sound safe by saying it is "Natural Flavoring" or show integrity by labeling it "Artificially Flavored". All this means is it was produced differently, but there is nothing natural about it. Natural is an apple you find growing on a tree in an orchid or a coconut on a palm in the tropics. They not only create the smell and flavor from sometimes deadly chemicals, but they manipulate the natural texture as well. They use gums, fats, starches, emulsifiers, and stabilizers to make the food have a specific texture and crunch. They have a machine called the TA.XT2i Texture Analyzer. It is like a mechanical mouth with over 200 probes that measures bounce, density, crunchiness, gumminess, chewiness, breaking point, etc. This is to help them finalize the texture experience for the consumer, to make it the most physically and psychologically appealing. This is why we need to be aware of what they are doing to alter the things we put into our body. We blindly eat whatever these food scientists put on the shelves, and then we wonder why we have so many people suffering from all types of cancers. These foods are loaded with many bad ingredients, many that contain large traces of carcinogens. So eat your foods that you love because they are bright and shaped perfectly and smell delicious. No need to worry about all the sickness and cancers they cause. At least, not until you have plenty of time lying in bed after chemo or surgery. Just keep brushing these issues aside so the people responsible for doing this continue to laugh and have the freedom to capitalize off of society's ignorance. We can't save everyone, and one person can't make a difference..... That is the one thing that every person who has tried to make a drastic positive change in the human race has never failed to hear many people say. But the ones who brush it aside because they know that it is not even close to the truth, those are the people who have made our lives exponentially greater. Every disaster begins with warning signs, and when they are ignored then that is when the disaster is allowed to manifest. No one can destroy positive progress when it is driven by selfless honesty. No one.
Monday, July 4, 2011
HFCS is the Same as Sugar. What the F%$K !?!!!
Have you seen the commercial with the the two moms at a kids party discussing high fructose corn syrup? I don't feel like explaining how ridiculous it is, so I will just include the link. There are a few of them, that blatantly lie to your face. Look who funds them, the corn refiners association. Watch the commercial, then let me tell you what I know for a FACT, so you can maybe see why it pisses me off so much. First off, the main problem is that they blatantly lie to your face. HFCS shuts off your body's natural appetite control.This allows you to eat far beyond what your body would normally be able to consume. It is a way to trick your body into consuming more, because then you have to spend more money (not to mention it is much cheaper to process foods with HFCS than natural sugar). In 1970 Americans ate an average of 1/2 lb. of HFCS a year, by the 1990's it had risen to an average of 62 lbs. per year. It rose at an alarming rate, along with obesity. It didn't single-handedly cause this mind you, but it certainly took its toll. The corn company are defending it, but it isn't actually the corn syrup that is the problem. The issue is the concentrated amount of fructose they use to sweeten it. The glucose in corn syrup can be burned off quickly, but the fructose can not and is stored as fat.Our bodies can process a normal amount of fructose from fruits and honey, but not the large, concentrated amounts in HFCS. HFCS also doesn't trigger your body to produce insulin, which helps to regulate your hunger. It also doesn't trigger production of leptin (like normal sugar), which is a protein that helps regulate how much fat you store. So clearly their is much information and scientific evidence to prove this commercial is a blatant lie. It is as bad as cigarette commercials telling you they don't cause cancer. You may think it isn't a big deal because you know it is ridiculous, but they aren't marketing it to you. They are marketing it to naive and ignorant consumers, who have young children. It is justifying them buying the 3 gallon bucket of rainbow sherbert for their kids, and the happy meal they will have for dinner. Absolutely unbelievable that they can market these claims on TV, shows how much the people with money give a shit about any of you. They just sit their and convince you let them steal your happiness and years off your life, just because people are ignorant and don't know any better.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Power Foods
These are a few foods that should be consumed in a healthy quantity on a regular basis, and reasons why it would be beneficial.
Nuts: High in protein to build and maintain muscle, and high in fibber to clean out your system. Also high in monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, and magnesium. Can help suppress your appetite when used as a snack because of the fiber.
Beans and Legumes: High in fiber, protein, Iron, and folate. They are a great source of fiber, and soybeans are very high in complete protein to help build and maintain muscle.
Green Vegetables: They help to neutralize free radicals, which are molecules that accelerate the aging process. They are loaded in vitamins like A, C, and K and minerals that include magnesium and calcium for bone and muscle development. Spinach and broccoli are two of the best.
Dairy: Yogurt and cheeses are a great source of calcium. Some studies have found calcium to not only improve bone strength but also to help with weight loss. It is believed that calcium can increase the breakdown of fats and hinder the development of new fat.
Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein, and eggs contain protein that is more efficient for building muscle than other sources like milk or meats. If eating eggs it is suggested to only eat one yolk per every two or three eggs.
Lean Meats: Tuna and salmon contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your arteries. Lean meats are a great source of protein, but stick to light, skinless cuts of meat like turkey. If you eat red meat, try to eat bison or get sirloin cuts. Stay away from ground beef and fatty cuts of steak like T-bones and rib-eyes.
Peanut or Almond Butter: Unsalted natural peanut or almond butter is loaded with monounsaturated fats and can increase testosterone. This can help with muscle development and weight loss. The more lean muscle your body has the faster your metabolism will be capable of working and the more fat you can burn. Almond butter contains more vitamin E and fiber than peanut butter, but both will do the trick. Remember to limit your intake of these to about 3 Tbls. A day because of the fat content, don’t overdue it or it defeats the purpose.
Oils: Olive, Canola, peanut, and sesame oils are all great option. Each has a different temperature at which they will lose their valuable properties if reached, so do research on which works best for you. They will help with cholesterol and are high in good fats (monounsaturated) and Vitamin E. They are great when used in moderation.
Whole grains: Don’t eat processed “white” grain rice, breads, or pastas. This process destroys the germ and bran and leaves only the endospore, which is starch. The fiber, protein, and nutrients are all lost. Whole grains burn slowly and keep insulin levels low, which help prevent your body from storing fat. Avoid these at night however, as they burn slowly and will sit in your system while you sleep.
Whey: Whey protein is a high quality protein that contains essential amino acids that help build muscle and burn fat. Finding a good protein powder is not difficult, you need to look at just a few simple things. First off, you do not need one that contains more than 25 grams per serving, as your body can typically only process 25 grams of protein at one time. You also want to look for mostly whey isolates, try to find a powder that says it is at least 75-80% isolates. Also check the ingredients, make sure there are not a lot of added unnecessary ingredients (a little glutamine is OK). Side Note - Ricotta cheese is made from whey, so maybe try using it when your meals call for cheese.
Berries: Essential for antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and more. Antioxidants will help fight against cancers and heart disease. They are also high in fiber and help to regulate your bowel movements.
Other specific superfoods that you may want to look into:
(These can all be added to your smoothie or post-workout shakes)
Spirulina: Spirulina has more nutrients per acre than any other food. It contains all essential and non-essential amino acids, which are needed to build and utilize protein. It comes in a green algae powder you can add to smoothies or shakes.
Flaxseed: Flaxseed is known to help lower bad cholesterol and to regulate bowel movements. This is important as it helps to flush the “junk” out of your colon and your body. It has other benefits you can look up as well.
Bee-Pollen: Bee-pollen comes in a bottle and is a good source of protein.
Glutamine: Glutamine helps with muscle soreness and metabolism, it has no common side effects or horrible uncommon ones either. Glutamine is necessary for protein synthesis during stressful times, like during an intense workout.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Real Recovery Drink
If you do resistance and cardio training and need a recovery drink, I have a great one you can try that is inexpensive compared to most, and doesn't have a bunch of added crap in it. First off, most recovery drinks have a lot of extra ingredients added to it that are not necessary and can cause issues. they can also contain a lot of sugar and not enough protein. If you want a real recovery drink I can tell you how to make it, and pretty cheap. Get Gold Standard Whey protein, it is from GNC, but you can get a 10lb. bag on amazon for $80, it will last you about 3 mos. Then get some Glutamine, you can get about a 6 month supply for $30 on amazon. Buy some Spirulina algae for about $30 for a 3 month supply. The Gold Standard has 80% isolate, which is the kind you want, and 24 grams of protein. You do not need more than this because your body can typically only absorb up to 25 grams of protein at one time. The Spirulina is a natural algae and contains all essential and non-essential amino acids so your can process the protein and build chains for maximum results. Protein is built on long chains using amino acids, if you are short on just one of these then the others are all useless and wasted. The Glutamine helps with muscle soreness and metabolism, it has no common side effects or horrible uncommon ones either. Glutamine is necessary for protein synthesis during stressful times, like during an intense workout. I also add flaxseed to assist with my digestion. It doesn't taste great, but I just add 8 ounces of water and down it, it is quick and easy. All in all it costs about $200-$250 every 6 months, much cheaper than most others and without a bunch of added junk. I look forward to them after my workouts, and I have noticed great results from using this drink.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Corporate Hipocrisy and Conspiracy Theory
Stop telling people who care about the issues we face in the world today that they are too "Gung-Ho" or "Conspiracy Theorists". My reply to these comments are to tell the person they are an ignorant consumer, exactly what makes these corporations the most money and keeps American industry booming. If there was not corruption among these corporations and lobbies, then we would not need such misleading information and ambiguous responses being shoveled to the public. The American Council for Fitness and Nutrition (ACFN)....... sounds pretty positive, right? It is backed and funded by Coca-Cola and Kraft foods, as well as many other "Big Foods" corporations that are perpetuating the decline of our health in the name of profit. It is also backed by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) - who are on record as opposing nearly every state bill that would restrict some of the sales of junk food or soda in schools. Also, they are backed by the National Restaurant Association - who oppose providing nutritional information and fight to block access to courtrooms by customers who may be harmed by eating their food. What kind of company could seriously be honest if they won't even allow their customers to know what they are getting from their product? People who are honest and have nothing to hide DON'T HIDE THINGS! You have some people who try to defend these companies by pointing out the small positive things they do to blind us from their true motives. Such as McDonalds, they have the Ronald McDonald house to help children, yet they spend billions every year promoting a clown and playgrounds at every McDonalds when even they could not defend their food as being good for children. Or how about our past secretary of health and human services Tommy Thompson. He stood in front of thousands at a Time/ABC News summit on obesity and praised companies like Coca-Cola for being "responsible" corporate citizens. Maybe because they have a "Heart Healthy" stamp, which you can have too for the right price, they have their emblem on Frito Lay chips and Lucky Charms......? He didn't have much to say when a state representative stood up and asked : if Coca-Cola was such a responsible corporate citizen, then why had they sent 5 lobbyists to Brown's state capitol to kill his school nutrition bill. A bill that would have only required that 50% of all drinks in school be healthy. Coca-Cola refused to even meet him halfway, because it would reduce profit, who cares about health. When will people see that corporations are in place for profit. They provide a service, but their main goal becomes maximizing profits. The positive things that these large corporations do, and spend millions on to publicize as much as possible to make sure we all know, are merely P.R. campaigns to continue to maximize profits. Most positive measures taken by corporations known to be negative influences are not put into place until after they are attacked. If they truly cared then they would take the initiative or at least have honesty and integrity from the start. If you don't care that the world is falling apart from the inside out then shut up and let the people who care educate and take action. Don't talk about how they are "food-nazi's" or "conspiracy theorists". Because the ones who really care do research and have many obvious reasons to believe what they do. The examples above would be enough to give anyone with half a brain enough evidence to at least question. The ones who really want to change will take action, so get the fuck out of the way.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
China's Been Working in the Coal Mine
There is no doubt that China is a very large contributor to air pollution. They are developing at a rapid rate, in an attempt to not only emulate the industrialization of the west but perhaps to try and surpass it. The problem is that they have such a large amount of land to develop on, and an alarmingly large population to support. Not only are they attempting to grow at a rapid pace, but most of the methods they incorporate into this process are outdated and have highly negative effects on the environment. With large amounts of production comes large amounts of pollution and waste. China relies mainly on the use of coal for there energy needs, their largest resource. Since 1996 coal has supplied China with about 78% of their energy requirements. They also still utilize diesel as a main fuel for transportation. Their two main energy resources are two of the worst available, and there have been detrimental effects because of this. Respiratory illness has become the leading cause of death in China. When the measurement of sulfur-dioxide in the atmosphere within China is measured, on any given day that it increases the death rate increases that day and the next by up to 10%. This shows evidence that there may be a direct correlation between the amount of sulfur-dioxide in the atmosphere and China's death rate. These issues do not only affect China, Hong Kong has been affected by their pollution outputs as well, with the winds carrying the air pollutants into their cities. Hong Kong can produce a large enough amount of pollution without China's help, with over 6.7 million people living on just over 1000 square kilometers.
With China set on following the industrialization improvements of the west, I believe it is partly our responsibility to take action to help improve their production methods. We can not only lead by example, but educate them and share some of the methods for production that significantly reduce pollution, while not significantly decreasing production. We can help them develop environmental education programs and curriculums to incorporate into mandatory class sessions within their school systems. The pollution they are releasing into the environment is not only their problem, we eventually all breathe the same air.
With China set on following the industrialization improvements of the west, I believe it is partly our responsibility to take action to help improve their production methods. We can not only lead by example, but educate them and share some of the methods for production that significantly reduce pollution, while not significantly decreasing production. We can help them develop environmental education programs and curriculums to incorporate into mandatory class sessions within their school systems. The pollution they are releasing into the environment is not only their problem, we eventually all breathe the same air.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Healthcare is for Communists !!
In a book I was recently reading it said "Most Americans get health insurance as part of an employee benefit package." and then continued further down, "Traditional health insurance.... is like car insurance.". The first issue with this is where it states "Most Americans". The worker's who have medical coverage are typically the ones who have better jobs that provide these, and can afford it. People working behind the counter at places like McDonald's or as a "bagger" at Vons do not typically have medical coverage, and they are the ones who are least able to afford it. The insurance that we do get these days is very similar to the car insurance analogy. You have to pay a basic premium at a monthly rate, when you go in to get fixed you have to pay for medical costs, and then the company is supposed to reimburse you. The problem is this can be a long process, and there are intelligent and crafty people who work for these insurance companies, and there only job is to disqualify anything and everything they can. Some actually receive bonuses based on how many people they can disqualify, and a lot of times it is when they need it the most. The basic problem with this set-up is money and greed. Anytime money is the driving factor behind a situation it is destined to be destroyed by greed. How is it morally acceptable to not save someone's life or help them because they don't have money, even though we have the capability? If we incorporated a program similar to that of France or Canada, then we would definitely have to raise taxes. This would stir controversy with the population, but I think they will be much less keen on complaining when a family member is in need of radiation therapy for cancer or an organ transplant from kidney failure. The system has been in place for years in many other countries, and America is not at the top of the list for one of the healthiest countries. People argue how having universal health care would mean bringing socialism into the country, and for some reason people associate socialism with communism. What about the postal service!?!? What about Social Security programs?!? Our school system is paid for through taxes. Is education more valuable than health? We also pay taxes for police and fire protection - no matter if we use them or not. We already incorporate socialism into our country. The definition of socialism, as a dictionary definition, is "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.". It says nothing about it being communist or, as a lot of Americans interpret the definition incorrectly, "Anti-American". It is our duty as human beings to care for others when we have the means to do so, and it is every person's right, no matter their socioeconomic status, to receive health care.
Complacency Destroys Safety
One of the easiest ways to allow a current or previous issue to become an increasing threat is complacency. Issues like Tuberculosis and Malaria are not hardly discussed in America, because they are not a common issue. However, there are other developing countries that still struggle with these issues as much as, or more than, America has at times. AIDS has surpassed even Malaria as the largest killer in Africa, and Tuberculosis is the most common infectious agent worldwide - Asia being the most affected. With complacency we have allowed diseases like Tuberculosis to resurface within the states, something we thought we had eradicated. We then shifted all of our resources to other areas of research, some outside of the medical field. At the same time developing countries are still fighting these diseases, due to a lack of education, funding, and poor living conditions in some cases.
America can not take for granted what we have accomplished due to our resources, we can not forget where we were at one point with issues such as AIDS and tuberculosis. If we do so, we will begin to focus on the wrong issues, or focus too much attention on specific areas, and we will have "eradicated" diseases sneaking back into our population. I'm glad that OSHA was incorporated into the CDC in the early 1970's, to assist in monitoring and controlling diseases and other health issues. This is an issue that not only needs to be observed and attended to by the local organizations, but also needs a "big brother" authority to oversee these health issues. America has too large of a battle with diseases we have created and accelerated ourselves, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, most cancers, etc. We have our hands full with these issues alone, we cannot afford to be complacent and ignore others, or we may find ourselves in the middle of another epidemic that could have been avoided.
America can not take for granted what we have accomplished due to our resources, we can not forget where we were at one point with issues such as AIDS and tuberculosis. If we do so, we will begin to focus on the wrong issues, or focus too much attention on specific areas, and we will have "eradicated" diseases sneaking back into our population. I'm glad that OSHA was incorporated into the CDC in the early 1970's, to assist in monitoring and controlling diseases and other health issues. This is an issue that not only needs to be observed and attended to by the local organizations, but also needs a "big brother" authority to oversee these health issues. America has too large of a battle with diseases we have created and accelerated ourselves, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, most cancers, etc. We have our hands full with these issues alone, we cannot afford to be complacent and ignore others, or we may find ourselves in the middle of another epidemic that could have been avoided.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Free Babies at Planned Parenthood!
How is it that hospitals have McDonald's and Pizza Hut food in their cafeterias? Multiple soda and candy machines full of refined sugars and HFCS? This is like planned parenthood giving out free babies, or mechanics ripping out your transmission while they change your oil. How can anyone claim the medical industry only cares for society's health and be on board with healthy lifestyles? How can they claim our health is the reason they are there, and not the billions of dollars for medications, procedures, and lengthy hospital stays? If they really cared they would be aware enough to realize that serving this food in their cafeterias is unacceptable and inappropriate. They are basically patching people up to push them right back into the emergency room, or better yet, the prescriptions window. Hospitals are just another business, another corporation, no matter how you look at it. And they are a billion dollar industry, that need to make money. If we had universal medical care, I guarantee you that the number of prescriptions would decrease and there would be other measures taken to keep people out of the medical system. The country would not want people in the hospitals because it would be a drain on the economy. As it is now, we love sick people - they make us billions. When the hospitals do something as simple as removing the very food that is proven to put people there, then I will re-consider my opinion of how much of a facade they present to the public. A facade protected by lawyers and manipulators.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Child is now spelled ADHD
Why do so many children in America get diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and get prescribed pills to be shoved into their body? Pills, by the way, that only have to show positive results in 2 out of infinity trials. I don't know any healthy children that are not hyper or that can pay attention for long periods of time. I realize that there are children out there who legitimately have ADHD or similar disorders, but the illness is being way over diagnosed just to have an excuse to market and sell more pills. Or even worse, to try to sedate the child so we don't have to deal with their childish behaviors. Find me a child who is very mellow and can pay attention to something for long periods of time, and they are either medically or self medicated. Chill out with the mental disorders. And don't tell me they are legitimate and factual just because they are published in the DSM-IV. Up until DSM-III homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder, and if you believe this then stop reading my blog because you need professional help.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Patented Food
The corporation Monsanto has patented a genetically modified soy bean seed, and now owns rights to any crops containing their seed. One way you can tell if it is there seed is to spray Round-Up weed killer on all your crops, and the ones that live are Monsanto. This is because they bought all the pesticide companies in the mid 1990’s and genetically modified their seed so their weed killer could be used on it to kill bugs but not the plant. Their weed killer will kill all other plants however. Now, Monsanto sues thousands of farmers and destroys them by going to their land without permission or notice, collecting samples from their field, and a year later they file a lawsuit for patent infringement for having their seeds on their land. These seeds are blown over, carried from birds, and the farmers being sued do not even want the seeds on their property. Seeds are meant to travel freely, and now Monsanto is taking advantage of this fact. They have actually patented food, which is against the constitution. Most farmers settle because they cant afford to take it to trial. One farmer didn’t settle and lost all his money and still lost the case. The judge said he was guilty because he had Monsanto seed in his crops, and he didn’t care how it got there. The farmer then had to destroy all of his seed for fear it may be cross-contaminated. This is unbelievable and scary. Monsanto is trying to eliminate all seed except there own so they can literally own food. They could essentially decide who gets to eat and who doesn’t in the future. You think the government will stop this? They are the ones who blatantly went against the constitution to allow them to patent FOOD in the first place. We are allowing a company not only to drown our crops in pesticides, slightly different than the chemicals used for warfare in WWII (FACT), but also to sue all farmers out of business to monopolize the agriculture business. This is all happening easily because people don’t take the time to care, until corporations like Monsanto are at their door slapping a legal suit on them for infringement, slander, or defamation. Or until they get cancer from the carcinogens from side effects of the genetic manipulation of our food, or should I say Monsanto’s food? Watch a film called The Future of Food for a bit of background.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Pill for Every Ill
The medical community is run by tyrants. You have substantial evidence of simple vitamins and minerals curing diseases that no medicine can, or without the harmful side effects that come along with medication. There are medical cases as far back as the 1950's of doctors prescribing extremely large doses of Vitamin C to cure diseases, but the files have been sealed and are not filed in the public medical libraries. Rumors get spread to deter the use of these cheap alternatives, such as 'Vitamin C causes kidney stones'. There is not a single shred of scientific evidence to prove this by the way. Another example is Zinc, zinc has been found to help cure and/or prevent all types of diseases when given in large doses. Bill W. , the founder of AA, found extremely good results with the use of niacin many years ago in dealing with depression. But doctors made statements that too much zinc or too much vitamin C are bad, but they fail to provide evidence to prove this. They instead prescribe a fancy pill to get rid of your ailments. Well, did you know that new drugs are tested on only a few hundred and sometimes maybe a few thousand patients, and then distributed to millions? Also, in order to be approved by the FDA they need only show that they worked better than an alternative in two different trials. The scientists can hold 600 trials where they use their new drug with an existing drug or method, and if the data leans in their favor just 2 times of the 600 trials, it can get approved. There is way too much money to be made in prescription drugs, so like many other areas, the truth will always be buried by greed. They fail to mention the vitamin c trials, or the Niacin trials that were able to get a 100% reclusive, depressed woman who sat staring at the wall all day every day, to sit and converse normally at the dinner table. The doctor of six years (that had gotten no results thus far with medication) told them it was dangerous and to stop, with no medical evidence. The family did this, and she went back to how she was before. These are real clinical trials, they are just not mentioned to you by your doctors. Nature and the human body is made to heal itself, but the toxins must be removed first through healthy diet and exercise. These vitamins and minerals exist in our foods for a reason. You don't always need Prozac if you are depressed, two handfuls of walnuts also contain the same amount of pyrazine as Prozac, and have been found to boost serotonin. Fitness has had many trials to show it's effects on depression. Instead of solving the root of our medical issues, the medical industry wants to simply cover the problem with drugs that are expensive and have severe side effects. Some of those with diabetes have completely eliminated it with proper diet and exercise alone, and no longer take medication. Heart disease and cancer (two of the most profitable disease for prescription drugs and also most expensive for the country) are almost 100% preventable. They are diseases that only exist because of the Western diet and the chemicals we incorporate into our crops. But telling everyone how to get rid of them wouldn't be profitable at all. You may think this sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but all this information is out there, yet the medical industry and food industry do their best to keep it from you. When you do find out about it, the doctor will tell you why their medical care or their drugs are much better and safer than these natural human processes, without a shred of evidence. Cash is King, that is absolutely true. I used to take an anti-depressant drug for years, and never did it actually make me feel better or normal. I have not had any anxiety or depression orders for the last 3 years now. This is because I changed my outlook on life to a positive one, quit putting toxins like alcohol and crappy food into my body, and exercise regularly. I do not believe that all pills are useless, and I know some are necessary, but 90% of the prescribed medication today would not be needed if the public was educated and followed a healthy lifestyle. Prescription drugs are a market, and the medical industry treats it just as such.
Cardiovascular Disease : The Great American Tragedy
Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart disease and stroke, are among the top causes of death within the U.S. However, cardiovascular disease is due mainly to a much larger problem, the lack of exercise and a healthy diet in the everyday lives of the common American citizen. This is due to numerous reasons, but I would like to focus on three main points; the false and contradictory information fed to consumers, the unhealthy options made readily available to consumers, and the lack of physical activity in citizen’s busy lives. With these factors combined we have skyrocketed cardiovascular disease and other health issues into the top spots for causes of death within America.
People today receive so much information that contradicts the other, or are told all out fabrications by companies trying to sell their product, that they are ignorant to what is truly healthy. You have the dairy industry pushing milk and cheese products, and then scientific evidence showing that our bodies are naturally lactose intolerant soon after the age of two. They tell you it is good for your bones after this age and contains a good supply of vitamin D. However, they fail to mention that vitamin D is put into the milk by factory workers, and our body cannot properly digest dairy. Oatmeal has been a staple of a “healthy” diet for years, but if you trust what the food industry says, then your glycogen levels will spike extremely high every morning after you have your “healthy” oats. Oats break down into glycogen and this skyrockets your bodies natural level of blood sugars. This can be deadly for someone who is diabetic. So you have the government and food industry telling you how important a good breakfast is, promoting milk and oatmeal as a staple, and scientific research in the background showing the detrimental effects they can have on your body. People want to trust the food industry, not realizing that they are just another organization with people who want to make money like everyone else. They come out with supplements that you can take to replace all of the vitamins and minerals that the consumer is now lacking due to the diet they have readily been provided of processed foods, McDonalds, and others loaded with salt and sugar. Most people take these thinking it will balance their diet, unaware that they are not even regulated by the FDA, and also many have detrimental side effects to the liver and kidney. So they shove as many calories as they can into processed foods, so the consumer can eat empty calories for cheap and feel full for a short period of time, and push supplements to make up for the important parts of the food that are lost in this process.
Not only do consumers receive mounds of contradictory and false information on what a healthy diet truly is, but the unhealthy options are also much less expensive and are more readily available. Americans use this as an excuse to rationalize or justify their eating behaviors. They stop at McDonalds and order a Big Mac because they are in a hurry to get back to work. Or they order the salad, which McDonald’s offers as a “healthy choice” on their menu, not realizing that the salad with dressing contains more calories than a Big Mac. Besides, where else can you go and fill up on less than a dollar? There are fast food restaurants on every corner to lure in Americans and their families with their playgrounds, bright colors and lights, wafting smell being fanned from the building, and value menus full of filling and empty carbs. There may be one “health food” store in the city, with higher prices than the consumer is used to paying for a box of Hamburger Helper or pesticide soaked vegetables from across the country. The government fails to educate the public on how to maintain a healthy diet, and the food industry uses this opportunity to find the cheapest ways possible to shove as many calories, sugars, and salt into foods to get the customer hooked. This eliminates a lot of choice for Americans and pushes them towards an unhealthy diet. But food is not the only thing responsible for bad health, which leads to obesity, and can ultimately lead to heart problems and other cardiovascular diseases. After Americans consume the horrible food choices that are promoted to them, they then sit on the couch and watch commercials about more food options for the next day.
The lack of physical activity combined with the unhealthy diet practices of the average American has skyrocketed cardiovascular diseases and heart issues into the leading cause of death in America. Americans are in such a hurry everyday that it is easy for them to make excuses about how they don’t have time to workout, or can’t afford a gym membership. Besides, who would want to workout after eating a double bacon ultimate cheeseburger? They don’t realize that they don’t have to have a lot of time to become healthier, and they don’t have to pay expensive membership fees to workout. There are tons of workout videos available for less than $20 that only take 10-20 minutes a day, or others that may be 30-60 minutes and only three times a week. You don’t need a gym membership for these exercises, they can be done right at home in front of the television, where many Americans have come to be very comfortable already. Little changes can lead to larger ones which can then lead to noticeable results, but Americans are too impatient to wait for results and want to try these get thin quick diets and pills. Most, if not all, are extremely bad for your body and yield results that are temporary. Lions are one of the most powerful animals in nature, when do you ever see them taking pills or only eating zebras and drinking crystal light for a month? To stay fit we have to do what has worked for our ancestors before we had Ab Rollers and Stackers and the Atkins Diet. We need a balanced diet that provides our bodies with the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins that nature freely provides. We also need to get off the couch and go run a couple miles, down past the doughnut shop, past the McDonalds, and stop at the local farmers market to grab some fruit.
Being fit and healthy to avoid issues like heart disease and stroke ultimately comes down to choices. Americans have to choose to eat the right foods and choose to exercise enough if they want to avoid becoming a statistic for cardiovascular disease. The food industry and government definitely make this a difficult task with all of their marketing and personal agendas of greed and profit. The information is always out there for the consumer, but they are responsible for turning off the television set and doing some research for themselves. We as Americans have to make a decision, are we going to grab the nearest food and set on the coach when we have a minute to relax in our busy schedules, or do we want to live a happy and disease free life. All we have to do is search for the truth ourselves, make the right decisions, and prioritize our health within our everyday concerns. If we do not do this, then hundreds of thousands of people will continue to die every year due to an unnecessary disease.
People today receive so much information that contradicts the other, or are told all out fabrications by companies trying to sell their product, that they are ignorant to what is truly healthy. You have the dairy industry pushing milk and cheese products, and then scientific evidence showing that our bodies are naturally lactose intolerant soon after the age of two. They tell you it is good for your bones after this age and contains a good supply of vitamin D. However, they fail to mention that vitamin D is put into the milk by factory workers, and our body cannot properly digest dairy. Oatmeal has been a staple of a “healthy” diet for years, but if you trust what the food industry says, then your glycogen levels will spike extremely high every morning after you have your “healthy” oats. Oats break down into glycogen and this skyrockets your bodies natural level of blood sugars. This can be deadly for someone who is diabetic. So you have the government and food industry telling you how important a good breakfast is, promoting milk and oatmeal as a staple, and scientific research in the background showing the detrimental effects they can have on your body. People want to trust the food industry, not realizing that they are just another organization with people who want to make money like everyone else. They come out with supplements that you can take to replace all of the vitamins and minerals that the consumer is now lacking due to the diet they have readily been provided of processed foods, McDonalds, and others loaded with salt and sugar. Most people take these thinking it will balance their diet, unaware that they are not even regulated by the FDA, and also many have detrimental side effects to the liver and kidney. So they shove as many calories as they can into processed foods, so the consumer can eat empty calories for cheap and feel full for a short period of time, and push supplements to make up for the important parts of the food that are lost in this process.
Not only do consumers receive mounds of contradictory and false information on what a healthy diet truly is, but the unhealthy options are also much less expensive and are more readily available. Americans use this as an excuse to rationalize or justify their eating behaviors. They stop at McDonalds and order a Big Mac because they are in a hurry to get back to work. Or they order the salad, which McDonald’s offers as a “healthy choice” on their menu, not realizing that the salad with dressing contains more calories than a Big Mac. Besides, where else can you go and fill up on less than a dollar? There are fast food restaurants on every corner to lure in Americans and their families with their playgrounds, bright colors and lights, wafting smell being fanned from the building, and value menus full of filling and empty carbs. There may be one “health food” store in the city, with higher prices than the consumer is used to paying for a box of Hamburger Helper or pesticide soaked vegetables from across the country. The government fails to educate the public on how to maintain a healthy diet, and the food industry uses this opportunity to find the cheapest ways possible to shove as many calories, sugars, and salt into foods to get the customer hooked. This eliminates a lot of choice for Americans and pushes them towards an unhealthy diet. But food is not the only thing responsible for bad health, which leads to obesity, and can ultimately lead to heart problems and other cardiovascular diseases. After Americans consume the horrible food choices that are promoted to them, they then sit on the couch and watch commercials about more food options for the next day.
The lack of physical activity combined with the unhealthy diet practices of the average American has skyrocketed cardiovascular diseases and heart issues into the leading cause of death in America. Americans are in such a hurry everyday that it is easy for them to make excuses about how they don’t have time to workout, or can’t afford a gym membership. Besides, who would want to workout after eating a double bacon ultimate cheeseburger? They don’t realize that they don’t have to have a lot of time to become healthier, and they don’t have to pay expensive membership fees to workout. There are tons of workout videos available for less than $20 that only take 10-20 minutes a day, or others that may be 30-60 minutes and only three times a week. You don’t need a gym membership for these exercises, they can be done right at home in front of the television, where many Americans have come to be very comfortable already. Little changes can lead to larger ones which can then lead to noticeable results, but Americans are too impatient to wait for results and want to try these get thin quick diets and pills. Most, if not all, are extremely bad for your body and yield results that are temporary. Lions are one of the most powerful animals in nature, when do you ever see them taking pills or only eating zebras and drinking crystal light for a month? To stay fit we have to do what has worked for our ancestors before we had Ab Rollers and Stackers and the Atkins Diet. We need a balanced diet that provides our bodies with the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins that nature freely provides. We also need to get off the couch and go run a couple miles, down past the doughnut shop, past the McDonalds, and stop at the local farmers market to grab some fruit.
Being fit and healthy to avoid issues like heart disease and stroke ultimately comes down to choices. Americans have to choose to eat the right foods and choose to exercise enough if they want to avoid becoming a statistic for cardiovascular disease. The food industry and government definitely make this a difficult task with all of their marketing and personal agendas of greed and profit. The information is always out there for the consumer, but they are responsible for turning off the television set and doing some research for themselves. We as Americans have to make a decision, are we going to grab the nearest food and set on the coach when we have a minute to relax in our busy schedules, or do we want to live a happy and disease free life. All we have to do is search for the truth ourselves, make the right decisions, and prioritize our health within our everyday concerns. If we do not do this, then hundreds of thousands of people will continue to die every year due to an unnecessary disease.
Is Food Safe?
In American supermarkets, our food has been infiltrated by science, in an attempt to make the food "better" than what it already is. By doing so, we have now entered a time that is dominated by obesity and malnutrition. In the late 70's, and into our current generation, we became obsessed with discovering what it was in food that our bodies actually needed to grow and be healthy. We discarded the idea that the food that has been provided for us since the beginning of time was good enough and decided we could improve upon it. That is when ingredient lists on food items began to get longer and harder to pronounce. We have become a society with two main citizens, those who are health nuts and want to add every vitamin and "nutrient" they can to food using science and hormones, or those who feel we can trust the FDA and Government to provide us with safe food choices. Neither of these lifestyles have proven successful, they lead to either obesity or failing kidneys and other organs. In our attempt to make ourselves healthy, we have actually broken fundamentals that have worked for thousands of years and succeeded in becoming even less healthy. The FDA can only regulate food to a certain degree, a degree that is ultimately determined by the needs of the economy and food industry. In 1938 the Government passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act stating that any processed food items must have the word "Imitation" printed on their label. This law was overturned in 1973, because it stood in the way of advancing food scientifically by adding things like dyes, gum, bicarbonate, and other chemicals. How can we trust an organization to tell us what is safe to eat, if they overturn the very laws they fought to create because of pressure by those with greedy and corrupt motives? The focus of food has become less about being healthy and more about maximizing it's effects, whether that be the amount of "nutrients" we can shove into it or how much we can yield from crops or animals to increase our sales. Look at the issues we have because of the corn crops. The government subsidizes farmers for their corn crops, so the farmers grow way too much corn and mounds of it sits under tarps decaying and going to waste. They then use whats left to create high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to shove into not only junk food and soda, but also supposedly "healthy" items like Gatorade. Even when the food industry releases food items with healthy claims such as "low-fat", "natural", or "high fiber", FDA regulations allow them to get away with hiding ingredients that are proven bad for our bodies behind these healthy claims, or to make claims that are misleading and fabricated. We have marshmallow covered cereals that are "high in fiber" and an "important part of your day" for children. Our attention is directed to the positive ideas to divert us from acknowledging how horrible the food blatantly is. This is like saying you should smoke crack because it helps you lose weight.... The FDA may do a decent job at regulating the safety of our food as far as preventing diseases and some of the methods with which the food is prepared, but it lets the food industry run freely as far as what they decide to put into the food. Because of this, obesity is one of the biggest causes of death in America now. People need to ignore the labels and simply turn the can around to read the ingredients. If it has more than 4 or 5 ingredients, and you can't pronounce most of them, then put it down! Or better yet, go to the produce isle and grab organic vegetables and some fresh fruit.
Food Inc.
If you haven't already then watch the film Food Inc. It not only has Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan in it (Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense of Food, etc.), but it will tell you nifty things like how the chief of the USDA was the former chief lobbyist for the beef industry or how the head of the FDA was the former exec. vice president of the National Food Processors Association under the Bush administration. You have to eat, and it's not safe. Like, you can die not safe. Happens A LOT, check the stats.We are creating new and stronger strains of E. Coli, and the organizations who are supposed to protect us are run by the leaders of the very organizations they are supposed to protect us against. This is not a far away war, this is the stuff you put into your body everyday, that you are being told is safe, and years later getting cancer and dying from. Think of how many meals you eat, every time you take a chance of getting sick and/or dying, or your children. Maybe from the meat being passed by the USDA with E.Coli, or the peanut butter or hundreds of bags of spinach that contained Salmonella in the early 2000's that passed by the passive inspections of the FDA and their greedy puppeteers. Money is way more important than human lives, at least that's the values of the people running the show. Watch about the little boy that was maybe 4 or 5 that had to go on dialysis because he got E. Coli from hamburger meat, and he wasn't allowed to drink water. So he spent his last days suffering with failing kidneys and begging for water before he died. This started by purchasing meat that was stamped "fit for human consumption" by the USDA. But, I guess people will care when their child is put on dialysis, until then they will just be naive and refuse to educate themselves to greatly lessen their chances.
Interesting Facts on Raw Foods
When you cook meats it destroys 50% of the proteins available for your body. When you even as much as steam veggies it destroys a large amounts of the nutrients they may hopefully still contain, depending on how depleted the soil they were grown in was. So even when eating healthy, you can be getting a lot less than you think. You should eat over 50% raw foods every meal if can. Your body actually attacks cooked foods as a toxin, increasing white cell count.
Spirulina: Superfood
- "Spirulina is sustainable food, offering more nutrition per acre than any other food. It is able to provide 20 times more complete protein per acre than soybeans, and 200 times more per acre than beef. It contains the eight essential amino acids as well as ten non-essential amino acids, making it an excellent choice for anyone not consuming animal protein. It is rich in enzymes, chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorous. It is rich in B complex vitamins including B6, biotin, B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, inositol, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine. It is a good source of essential fatty acids, including linoleic, and arachidonic acid. Spirulina contains 4,000 mg/kg of carotenoids as alpha and beta carotene, xanthophylis, cryptoxanthin, echinenone, zeaxanthin, and lutein."
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