Thursday, August 25, 2011

Juicing Your Worries Away.

 So I bought a juicer. I invested around $300. I decided if I was going to get one then I wanted to get a good one to get the best results possible. I am not going on a "Juice Diet", as this is a stupid idea for most people. That is because they will not research before they do it and realize that you lose fiber doing this and your bowel movements will virtually be non-existent. They will also probably not make up for the loss of protein.  I realize there are downfalls to juicing, but guess what critics, I am going to address those. #1. You lose all fiber when juicing. True, but you have a few options to fix this. You can put some of the pulp back into the juice to maintain the fiber. You can also continue to eat veggies like a normal human being and get your fiber that way. You could also add flaxseed to your juice. Whatever you choose, there are many ways to correct this problem. The pulp is also great for baking. You can use carrot pulp to make amazing carrot cake, or zucchini pulp for zucchini bread, etc. You can also mix the pulp into your pet's food to give them a great boost. #2. You waste a lot of the fruits/vegetables in the juicing process. True and false. Juicing fruits can be quite a waste. When you juice fruits you tend to lose the best nutrients in the pulp. That it why you should only juice fruits if you really want some clean, fresh fruit juice, but not to try and boost your intake of nutrients. With vegetables you actually break the cell walls to release all of the micro-nutrients and everything else. Like I said before you may lose the fiber, but it can be put back into the juice if you are afraid you are getting too little. #3. It is way too expensive for how much juice yield you get to vegetables used. False. If you buy veggies that are in season in bulk it is not bad. It also depends on how much you drink. If you drink one or two a day to increase your intake of veggies it is not too bad. If you plan on juicing nearly all your veggies (Or fruits if you didn't pay attention earlier) to get all your nutrients, then yes. Just buy whatever is in season for cheap in bulk, use it as the base of the juice and then add a couple different ingredients to it to change it up. Or better yet, start your own garden if that is an option. #4. Juicers are too expensive. Not necessarily true. You can get a juicer for as little as $50. Just check out the Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor on Amazon. It will get the job done, just not as efficiently as a better juicer. But if you just want to make one glass a day or every other day it will work fine. I however chose a masticating juicer, which can cost a bit more. I chose this one because I plan on juicing a lot of leafy vegetables, and it gets the best yield. I narrowed it down to two, but ultimately purchased the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer. 
      Don't expect to get a juicer and start juicing everything under the sun to boost your health or lose weight. You are not going to get superhuman benefits from it, however, there are a couple main benefits. First of all, you can greatly increase your vegetable intake very easily if you do not get enough veggies or just want to get more. Also, you DO actually get a little better benefits per vegetable. This is because they are raw, and when you cook veggies they lose up to half of their nutritional value. Granted you can just eat veggies raw, but i don't think anyone gets they daily value of veggies without cooking some, or most of them. It also allows you to get a wide variety of different veggies into your diet, and therefor a wide spectrum of different nutrients and vitamins. Just toss a turnip green and some rhubarb into your carrot juice, you won't even know it is there. Have a meal with cooked squash and zucchini to enjoy, and a small 6 oz glass of carrot, wheatgrass, cucumber, and kale juice. Add a few drops of lemon or lime to help with the bitterness of greens. Overall it is a great investment, just do your research to get the juicer that will work best for what you mostly plan on juicing, and at what frequency of use it will probably get. There are a ton of recipes online for some awesome tasting juices. Have fun and experiment!!

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