Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Raft

I think I finally understand the idea of non-dualism and how a bodhisattva can understand it. There was a line in the Diamond Sutra that discusses how a bodhisattva (someone on the path to becoming a Buddha) has no perception, but also has the realization of no nonperception, because they see the dharmas (things) of everyday like any other human, but they know they have no ultimate reality. This was very revealing and profound. It helped me to understand how a bodhisattva could contain this ultimate wisdom and still exist as a human being. I believe I also understand the idea of non-dualism now as not saying there is one thing or isn't another, because you automatically imply an "is" if you say "isn't" and an "isn't" if you say "is". Really we need to understand that everything is everything, and we don't need to create a dualism because it creates a self, ego, or conflict within the natural existence and flow of absolute "reality". Why must we label everything? Words are useful as upaya (skillful-means), but language can be a crutch to the truth when we do not know when to let go of them. It is like the Mahayana analogy of the raft. On one bank is Samsara (the cycle of life) and on the other is Nirvana (eternal, absolute wisdom and compassion), the raft is the upaya (language in this case) or Dharma (teachings) of the Buddha. We use the raft to cross to Nirvana from Samsara, but we do not carry the raft with us once we have crossed, or it then becomes a hindrance. (Side note: This story itself is upaya, as there is no dualism of Samsara and Nirvana, they are the same thing, just perceived differently.) So use the "raft" for what it is truly meant for, but do not attach yourself to it or you will never be truly joyous. A quote from Buddhist Wisdom as translated by Edward Conze says, "Once a cure has been effected, it must be abandoned together with an illness, because its further use would only make one ill again. Just so when this medicine, called 'emptiness', has brought about a cure for the belief in existence. Attachment to emptiness is a disease as much as attachment to existence. Those who continue to use this medicine of 'emptiness' after they have gained possession of full wisdom, only make themselves ill again."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Updated Supplement Schedule

When waking Up

Just eat lean protein and complex carbs within 30 minutes.

Before workout

- Whey or Soy Protein, you will need amino acids for your exercise. Some complex carbs a few minutes before are a good idea too.

- Creatine, with a sugar drink, not citrus or it turns into useless creatinine. This provides you with energy for your workout, and water to your muscles. Grape juice is one of the best to take it with. 45-60 minutes before workout

After Workout

- Whey or Soy protein (To have available immediately to re-build muscles), Glutamine (To help with muscle repair and soreness, keep body from breaking down muscle), Spirulina (For all amino acids to make protein chains efficiently) or a BCAA if you like.

- Creatine, (For muscle repair and gains, limits muscle damage, is absorbed best after workouts when insulin levels are high). Take with a non-acidic, sugary drink. (Acidic drinks turn it into useless creatinine, grape juice is one of the best to take it with)

- Dextrose, This contains no fructose. It is the best sugar to create an insulin spike, with a high glycemic index. Other sugars do not digest as fast and restore liver glycogen stores. You need to restore glycogen stores in your muscles to begin the recovery process and utilize other nutrients coming in efficiently.
Add extra water to your protein shake for all the extra stuff you have added. This will assist with cell hydration. You can also use almond or coconut milk.

Before Bed

- Casein Protein and glutamine, To help with muscle repair. Muscle repair happens most during NREM 4 deep sleep, when your body is experiencing a low level of these elements and needs them to make gains and prevent muscle loss. You will be without nutrition for 6-8 hours, it is important to have these in your system and available. Casein digests around twice as slow as whey so it can last longer through the night. (Warning: There are some studies that suggests Caesin is linked to cancer. I personally only use soy protein and avoid dairy. Do your research and decide for yourself) Eat or add peanut butter (or another fat) to your protein to slow absorption of the protein through the night if you substitute Whey.

- L-Arganine, Helps your body to raise your level of growth hormones naturally. It is an amino acid. Take a few minutes before your pre-sleep drink.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Leading Cause of Death is Capatilism

The social issue of our healthcare system being sick itself is one that has had a lot of attention in the recent years. America is supposed to be the world’s superpower and a leader in freedom, ideas, knowledge, technology, and more, yet we rank 37th in the world in an area vital to the success of human life. By traveling to other countries and comparing their healthcare systems, the viewer is able to get a reference to our own system, to really see how corrupt it is because it is built not on a foundation of compassion and concern for the nation, but on a solid foundation of capitalism. The medical industry in America is nothing but another corporate structure, an entity built to reward its stockholders and increase the wealth of its benefactors. I am lucky enough to have free health care because I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy, if I weren’t then I would be another one of the 47+ million people who do not have the basic necessity of health care. I personally like reviewing the research on Switzerland. This is important since they were following the same kind of system as the U.S. originally, and then made the switch to be more of a socialist system. This proves to America that we can change our system and it is not destined for failure.  We need to focus on caring and healing the sick, not profiting from pharmaceuticals or costly and unnecessary scans and tests. We need to incorporate a system of preventative healthcare rather than a tertiary system. American doctors typically focus on medicating and fixing the issue after it happens, but we don't do nearly enough to educate on the importance of daily maintenance and prevention. Insurance companies need to cease to be their own private entity. Insurance companies give bonuses when their contractors can deny healthcare, because it saves them money. This is a known fact, not an opinion I have. So the best thing you can do as an insurance agent is to find a way to not help the customer. America’s healthcare system is sick, and it is keeping the people sick. Capitalism is the leading cause of death in America.