Supplementation (Updated)
When waking Up
- Glutamine, your body is without sufficient nutrition after 6-8 hours. You also need protein, try a couple eggs, or a protein shake.
Before workout
- Creatine, with a sugar drink, not citrus or it turns into useless creatinine. This provides you with energy for your workout, and water to your muscles. Grape juice is one of the best to take it with. Creatine Ethyl Ester is better than Monohydrate because it won't bloat you or add water weight. Take 45-60 minutes before workout
After Workout
- Whey protein (To have available immediately to re-build muscles), Glutamine (To help with muscle repair and soreness, keep body from breaking down muscle), Spirulina (For all amino acids to make protein chains efficiently)
- Creatine, (For muscle repair and gains, limits muscle damage, is absorbed best after workouts when insulin levels are high). Take with a non-acidic, sugary drink. (Acidic drinks turn it into useless creatinine, grape juice is one of the best to take it with)
Add extra water to your protein shake for all the extra stuff you have added. This will assist with cell hydration.
Before Bed
- Whey and glutamine, To help with muscle repair. Muscle repair happens most during REM 4 deep sleep, when your body is experiencing a low level of these elements and needs them to make gains and prevent muscle loss. You will be without nutrition for 6-8 hours, it is important to have these in your system and available.
- L-Arganine, I take L-Arganine before bed to increase my growth hormones while I sleep. This naturally depletes as you get older, and makes it harder for you to recover. It is a natural amino acid.
This is my blog to make aware information I discover about health and fitness throughout my studies. I also post writings on general wellness and Buddhist philosophy. I am very passionate about what I put into my body and how I treat it. I believe the effort you put into maintaining your health is directly correlated to the amount of happiness you experience on a daily basis. Mind, body, and spirit need equal maintenance. Be present, be compassionate, be aware.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
All Natural Disaster, no Artificial Flavoring !!
There are very intelligent scientists in labs that are creating smells, textures, and tastes in order to make food the most appealing they can to consumers. These scientists are referred to as "flavorists" within their respective circles. They mix volatile chemicals together to create a smell that is similar if not exactly like that of a naturally produced food or a grilled hamburger. They use ingredients like titanium dioxide to create flavors and smells similar to sweets, which is a chemical used to produce make-up. These "flavorists" work in factories like the large one in Daytona, they are part of the I.F.F., or International Flavors and Fragrances. The same place that was originally created to produce smells for perfumes, deodorant, and cleaning chemicals. They use these same chemicals to create food smells, and "Natural" and "Artificial" food flavorings. (Two words that mean little difference as you will discover) The Daytona establishment currently produces 6 of the top 10 fragrances in the U.S. These chemicals are universal from cleaning chemicals to food flavoring, since the F.A.A. does not require flavor companies to disclose their ingredients. They merely need to be considered as G.R.A.S., or Generally Regarded as Safe. What in the hell does that mean, how do you even rate that? "Natural Almond Flavoring" falls under this category. It must be safe since it contains hydrogen cyanide, a deadly poison. Look on your ingredients list in things like Ocean Spray juices or Dannon's Yogurt for Carminic Acid or Carmine. It is a "Natural" food coloring made from crushed bugs called Dactlyopius, and their larvae. They make it sound safe by saying it is "Natural Flavoring" or show integrity by labeling it "Artificially Flavored". All this means is it was produced differently, but there is nothing natural about it. Natural is an apple you find growing on a tree in an orchid or a coconut on a palm in the tropics. They not only create the smell and flavor from sometimes deadly chemicals, but they manipulate the natural texture as well. They use gums, fats, starches, emulsifiers, and stabilizers to make the food have a specific texture and crunch. They have a machine called the TA.XT2i Texture Analyzer. It is like a mechanical mouth with over 200 probes that measures bounce, density, crunchiness, gumminess, chewiness, breaking point, etc. This is to help them finalize the texture experience for the consumer, to make it the most physically and psychologically appealing. This is why we need to be aware of what they are doing to alter the things we put into our body. We blindly eat whatever these food scientists put on the shelves, and then we wonder why we have so many people suffering from all types of cancers. These foods are loaded with many bad ingredients, many that contain large traces of carcinogens. So eat your foods that you love because they are bright and shaped perfectly and smell delicious. No need to worry about all the sickness and cancers they cause. At least, not until you have plenty of time lying in bed after chemo or surgery. Just keep brushing these issues aside so the people responsible for doing this continue to laugh and have the freedom to capitalize off of society's ignorance. We can't save everyone, and one person can't make a difference..... That is the one thing that every person who has tried to make a drastic positive change in the human race has never failed to hear many people say. But the ones who brush it aside because they know that it is not even close to the truth, those are the people who have made our lives exponentially greater. Every disaster begins with warning signs, and when they are ignored then that is when the disaster is allowed to manifest. No one can destroy positive progress when it is driven by selfless honesty. No one.
Monday, July 4, 2011
HFCS is the Same as Sugar. What the F%$K !?!!!
Have you seen the commercial with the the two moms at a kids party discussing high fructose corn syrup? I don't feel like explaining how ridiculous it is, so I will just include the link. There are a few of them, that blatantly lie to your face. Look who funds them, the corn refiners association. Watch the commercial, then let me tell you what I know for a FACT, so you can maybe see why it pisses me off so much. First off, the main problem is that they blatantly lie to your face. HFCS shuts off your body's natural appetite control.This allows you to eat far beyond what your body would normally be able to consume. It is a way to trick your body into consuming more, because then you have to spend more money (not to mention it is much cheaper to process foods with HFCS than natural sugar). In 1970 Americans ate an average of 1/2 lb. of HFCS a year, by the 1990's it had risen to an average of 62 lbs. per year. It rose at an alarming rate, along with obesity. It didn't single-handedly cause this mind you, but it certainly took its toll. The corn company are defending it, but it isn't actually the corn syrup that is the problem. The issue is the concentrated amount of fructose they use to sweeten it. The glucose in corn syrup can be burned off quickly, but the fructose can not and is stored as fat.Our bodies can process a normal amount of fructose from fruits and honey, but not the large, concentrated amounts in HFCS. HFCS also doesn't trigger your body to produce insulin, which helps to regulate your hunger. It also doesn't trigger production of leptin (like normal sugar), which is a protein that helps regulate how much fat you store. So clearly their is much information and scientific evidence to prove this commercial is a blatant lie. It is as bad as cigarette commercials telling you they don't cause cancer. You may think it isn't a big deal because you know it is ridiculous, but they aren't marketing it to you. They are marketing it to naive and ignorant consumers, who have young children. It is justifying them buying the 3 gallon bucket of rainbow sherbert for their kids, and the happy meal they will have for dinner. Absolutely unbelievable that they can market these claims on TV, shows how much the people with money give a shit about any of you. They just sit their and convince you let them steal your happiness and years off your life, just because people are ignorant and don't know any better.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Power Foods
These are a few foods that should be consumed in a healthy quantity on a regular basis, and reasons why it would be beneficial.
Nuts: High in protein to build and maintain muscle, and high in fibber to clean out your system. Also high in monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, and magnesium. Can help suppress your appetite when used as a snack because of the fiber.
Beans and Legumes: High in fiber, protein, Iron, and folate. They are a great source of fiber, and soybeans are very high in complete protein to help build and maintain muscle.
Green Vegetables: They help to neutralize free radicals, which are molecules that accelerate the aging process. They are loaded in vitamins like A, C, and K and minerals that include magnesium and calcium for bone and muscle development. Spinach and broccoli are two of the best.
Dairy: Yogurt and cheeses are a great source of calcium. Some studies have found calcium to not only improve bone strength but also to help with weight loss. It is believed that calcium can increase the breakdown of fats and hinder the development of new fat.
Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein, and eggs contain protein that is more efficient for building muscle than other sources like milk or meats. If eating eggs it is suggested to only eat one yolk per every two or three eggs.
Lean Meats: Tuna and salmon contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your arteries. Lean meats are a great source of protein, but stick to light, skinless cuts of meat like turkey. If you eat red meat, try to eat bison or get sirloin cuts. Stay away from ground beef and fatty cuts of steak like T-bones and rib-eyes.
Peanut or Almond Butter: Unsalted natural peanut or almond butter is loaded with monounsaturated fats and can increase testosterone. This can help with muscle development and weight loss. The more lean muscle your body has the faster your metabolism will be capable of working and the more fat you can burn. Almond butter contains more vitamin E and fiber than peanut butter, but both will do the trick. Remember to limit your intake of these to about 3 Tbls. A day because of the fat content, don’t overdue it or it defeats the purpose.
Oils: Olive, Canola, peanut, and sesame oils are all great option. Each has a different temperature at which they will lose their valuable properties if reached, so do research on which works best for you. They will help with cholesterol and are high in good fats (monounsaturated) and Vitamin E. They are great when used in moderation.
Whole grains: Don’t eat processed “white” grain rice, breads, or pastas. This process destroys the germ and bran and leaves only the endospore, which is starch. The fiber, protein, and nutrients are all lost. Whole grains burn slowly and keep insulin levels low, which help prevent your body from storing fat. Avoid these at night however, as they burn slowly and will sit in your system while you sleep.
Whey: Whey protein is a high quality protein that contains essential amino acids that help build muscle and burn fat. Finding a good protein powder is not difficult, you need to look at just a few simple things. First off, you do not need one that contains more than 25 grams per serving, as your body can typically only process 25 grams of protein at one time. You also want to look for mostly whey isolates, try to find a powder that says it is at least 75-80% isolates. Also check the ingredients, make sure there are not a lot of added unnecessary ingredients (a little glutamine is OK). Side Note - Ricotta cheese is made from whey, so maybe try using it when your meals call for cheese.
Berries: Essential for antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and more. Antioxidants will help fight against cancers and heart disease. They are also high in fiber and help to regulate your bowel movements.
Other specific superfoods that you may want to look into:
(These can all be added to your smoothie or post-workout shakes)
Spirulina: Spirulina has more nutrients per acre than any other food. It contains all essential and non-essential amino acids, which are needed to build and utilize protein. It comes in a green algae powder you can add to smoothies or shakes.
Flaxseed: Flaxseed is known to help lower bad cholesterol and to regulate bowel movements. This is important as it helps to flush the “junk” out of your colon and your body. It has other benefits you can look up as well.
Bee-Pollen: Bee-pollen comes in a bottle and is a good source of protein.
Glutamine: Glutamine helps with muscle soreness and metabolism, it has no common side effects or horrible uncommon ones either. Glutamine is necessary for protein synthesis during stressful times, like during an intense workout.
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